CVSRA Referee
Questions - Answers
1- I worked last weekend and my arbiterpay account still has "0" dollars in it- why?
CVSRA Runs payroll once a month, for games worked the previous month. For example, games worked in February will be paid by the 20th of March
2- I did not get paid yesterday for all the games I did, why?
All Center Referee’s are required to submit a game report in Arbiter (some leagues also require other reporting, in addition to the Arbiter Game report). If you were the center, and did not submit the game report, you will not get paid, until it is submitted. if you were an AR, and the center did not submit the game report, you won’t be paid, until the Referee submits the game report.
3- I did not get paid yesterday, why?
Each month when payroll is run, all referee’s getting paid receive an email from the Payroll coordinator
4- How do I unassign myself from a game I can no longer do?
5 - My game got changed and I can no longer referee my assigned games, how do I get unassigned?
6- Can I be re-assigned to just an AR position? I do not want to do centers.
7- I have accepted a single game for you at a remote location and I see you have 3 games open at a field closer to home, can I switch to those?
8- How do I change the score in my game report? I put it in backwards by mistake.
9 - Can you call me?
10- When attaching to my games my whole schedule is not in arbiter- can you fix that?