If you haven’t recertified yet for 2020, there is an opportunity right here in Richmond! This is your chance to ensure you are eligible for the season that is fast approaching.
Grassroots Referee recertification course for 2020 is available for registration in the Central (Richmond) area of Virginia.
Clinic Number - Central-35-0120-GRRCT-Y12 (any referee certified for 2019, and also to any inactive referee who wants to return to refereeing and those inactive for less than 4 years.)
Clinic date: Thursday, January 30, 2020, 6p
Last time to register/pay - Monday, January 27, 2020 – Do Not Wait until then! See below on time you will need to invest in online training. Online Lessons Must be Complete before attending the classroom training on January 30.
To register: cut and paste this URL address into your browser https://www.vadcsoccerref.com/instruction/recertification-for-returning-referees and read the instructions, then click the link at the bottom of the page to go to the new Officials Management System.
The online instruction consists of four parts.
Part 1: US Soccer Digital Learning Center Online Instruction (about 4.5 hours).
Before you start the Learning Center Online Instruction, there is an Introduction to the DLC to explain how to initially Sign Up in the Learning Center, create a Profile, log into the Learning Center, and start your Learning Center Online Instruction. Then, using the inactive window on the next to last slide in the Introduction, Sign Up and create your Profile in the Learning Center. The data in your Profile should match up the your current/past registration at US Soccer; and your registration history should upload to your Profile. Then, begin the Learning Center Online Instruction. Rather than complete the instruction in the little inactive window, you can open a new browser window with the URL shown directly below the inactive window, : https://learning.ussoccer.com/referee/courses/available/7/details/464
When you complete the US Soccer Learning Center Online Instruction, save certificate of completion to show the instructor(s), if needed. Then return to our Officials Management System (OMS), and select "Online Lessons" to complete the other three parts of the online instruction.
Part 2: SafeSports Training.
Every referee 18 years and old must complete SafeSport Training (about 1.5 hours). We cannot certify any referee 18 years or older without SafeSport Training. Save your certificate of completion. To upload your certificate of completion after completing the SafeSport Training, return to your OMS "Member Home Page," select "I want to:", then select Provide SafeSport Documentation." Select "Online Lessons" to complete the other two parts of the online instruction. The Risk Management Officer needs to verify your certificate and review and approve your Background Check before this Part shows complete. The RMO verifies, reviews, and approves your risk management about daily.