The fitness test will be administered in conjunction with the VISOA fitness test. The VISOA fitness test will be the former Grade 6 fitness test and will not count for USSF Regional Referee certification. You must complete the Regional Referee fitness test for USSF Regional Referee certification. Registration is available using the VADC Game Officials Course registration system at
The Regional Referee fitness test consists of Six 40-meter sprints (within 6.4 sec). Ten laps of 75-meter run (17 sec) / 25-meter walk ( 20 sec) intervals.
This test session is open 2019 Grade 6 and Grade 5 referees, now classified for 2020 as Regional Referees and who wish to renew as Regional Referees, or to anyone wishing to upgrade from a current Grassroots certification, formerly Grade 7, 8 & 9, to a Regional Referee Certification.
For more information on the process for recertifying as Regional Referee or upgrading, please contact Jeff Lobb at