Assessment Registration Form
The CVSA Adult league matches, assigned by Beth Hatchel, are assessable for regional referee certification requirements.
Games are held on Sundays in the Richmond, Virginia area and are usually played at 9, 11, 1 & 3 PM. IF you are interested in being assessed in this league this fall, please fill out the form below so Beth can schedule you for matches.
You should check a date or two more than you anticipate needing as weather and forfeits can cause last minute cancellations. Once an initial schedule is provided to Beth she will post assignments for the season based on your registration- assigning at least one more date than you indicated you needed, and posting “TBD” matches on dates requested should the schedule for the whole season be delayed.
**Scheduling an Assessment:
Needs to be done by the official once the assignments are posted as dictated by the state. CVSRA does not schedule assessments, we just assign matches that qualify for one.